Gangotri Patra has been a PhD student with Prof. Heese since September 2023.
Gangotri Patra has been a PhD student with Prof. Heese since September 2023.
Nguyen Hoang Anh Tuan has been member of the ITBE research group since Sep. 2020.
Hyung-Seo Han has been research student since June. 2018. He is currently working on the topic: “AI driven gene splicing”.
Prof. Wagner received a PhD in Computer Science. He has been Professor at Hanyang University since 2014. His primary research is into Algorithms and their Complexity. The focus of his research activities is now on computational genomics.
Mr. Rahane worked on his PhD during 2015–2018 on the characterization of tumorigenic FAM72 (p17) using molecular, cellular and bio-computational tools.
Characterization of tumorigenic FAM72 (p17) using molecular, cellular and bio-computational tools.
Mr. Schmidt joined the combined Master-PhD program at Hanyang University in 2017 under the supervision of Prof. Kutzner. He completed his PhD in March 2021. His research interests lie within the topics of algorithms, read-alignments, structural variant (SV) calling, and clustering.
Mr. Yoon has been working as assistant for Prof. Kutzner since spring term 2018.